January Update

Sadly we farewelled Dr Sarah Fatland recently as she decided to return to the USA.  Locum doctors will provide cover until Dr Naylor arrives from the USA in March.

We are pleased to welcome Dr Richard Lunz to the team.  An experienced Doctor who trained overseas, he has been locuming in NZ for some time and has now chosen to undergo his specialist GP training here.

GP movement:
While we appreciate that patients can find a change of GP unsettling, we try out best to employ Doctors who are invested in staying in the region for longer periods of time.  Unfortunately this is not always possible as the older generation Doctors retire, the new generation Doctor tends to be more transient, preferring to travel the world and seek experiences in various places.  We will certainly endeavour to keep you updated as changes occur.  If you would like to discuss GP cover or find out which GP’s are taking on new patients, please phone and talk to us.

General Manager:
In December we said goodbye to Paul Cocks who had been GM for nearly 4 years and left us to pursue work opportunities closer to home.  We welcome Flora Gilkison to the role this month and look forward to her experience and leadership.


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